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4 min read

Secure Links in to REIT Forum Google Sheets - No SA App

Step 1: If you are on a mobile device, we need to ensure you are NOT stuck in Seeking Alpha's app. The app has a "built-in browser". It is awful. It appears to be the number 1 reason for people having a hard time accessing this site. This is NOT a part of Seeking Alpha. There are two ways to tell you're still in Seeking Alpha's app:

  1. You were just using the Seeking Alpha app. It won't let you out.
  2. In the top left corner you see the word "Done" for Apple devices or "Seeking Alpha" for Android devices.

Note: You often cannot use features like "long press" while inside the awful built-in browser.

Apple devices: Apple gave you a one-button fix. You will probably see a "Safari" icon in bottom right. Click it. This page will immediately reload in Safari. Then you can follow the rest of the instructions. If you don't see that button, you can follow the Android instructions.

Android devices: Google didn't give you an easy option to deal with garbage apps and their in-app browser. Open your favorite browser and type in this address:

Clicking the link won't work because SA's app would hijack it. You need to actually open a browser. We have a great website, but I can't force it to run inside SA's app.

Step 2: Your website status can be seen above the title of this page.
If you are logged out (as indicated by the message above), then you should log in. If you are logged out, the button below will prompt you to sign in. This is the button:


  1. If you have full access, bookmark this page and skip down to the Google Sheet links.
  2. You have limited access or the site does not recognize your email, follow along with the article.

Note: Your account from Seeking Alpha does not automatically work here. Your account from Amazon and Netflix don't work here either.

Limited Access or Email Not Recognized

Note: If you need help, email michael@thereitforum.com. I will email you the instructions from this page using different words. I am happy to hear from you. Replies during the daytime hours (in Mountain Time) will usually be fast.

We can upgrade you! We simply need to keep the sheets secure. These steps are for every person who does not see "Full Access" at the top of the page.

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If you believe you are not in reader mode, please send a screenshot to michael@thereitforum.com

Step 1: Locate Your User Name

Use the link below to get your SA user name:

Click here to get your Seeking Alpha user name.

The page will look like this:

Please don't tell me your User Name is a dash. You can edit it.

Please don't send me an email telling me your email address. I'm asking about the username. Believe it or not, I can't link them unless you tell me.

Step 2: Choose your email address

Two options here:

  1. Limited Access: Email me from the address you use to log into THIS website.  Don’t remember it? You can click here to check. This only works if you are logged in!
  2. No member exists with this email address: Use the email account you check frequently and want our articles to arrive in.

Note: This does NOT need to be the same address you use for Seeking Alpha. If you are logged in but wish emails went to a different address, just tell me that in the email.

Simple Email Layout

To: Michael@thereitforum.com

Title: "Hi, this is [insert YOUR SA username]. Upgrade please.
"Note: Please spell it correctly. We can still find it, but it makes it easier.

Body: [Insert any random fact. It's just good for making sure you don't get hit by a junk filter.]

Now you can simply wait for us to upgrade the account and reply.

Note: When you reach full access, there will be links down here.

This post is for paying subscribers only