1 min read

A Few Very Brief Updates

I just sent in a new article for Seeking Alpha.

I’ll keep this article short enough to fit on even a tiny notepad.

A natural and attractive woman holding a comically small notepad and pencil, conveying the idea of brevity. The notepad and pencil are humorously tiny, highlighting the theme of shortness or succinctness. She has a confident and amused expression, as if she's about to jot down something very brief. The background is subtle and non-distracting, focusing the viewer's attention on the woman and her miniature writing instruments.

Here is a summary:

  • RC and NYMT reduced dividends. It has less depth than the update I provided for members here 4 days ago.
  • Fixed-to-Floating share prices increased.
  • Rates are down. 10-year Treasury hit about 5%. Now it is just under 4%.
  • Our portfolio is up nearly 20% year-to-date. A huge portion of that comes from 11.6% in November and 4.2% month-to-date. If we waited until all members from the Federal Reserve agree that rates are definitely going down, we would’ve missed out on a great year.
  • I’m making a wild prediction for the future by saying inflation probably returns around 2026 to 2027. AI is great for productivity, but people are scared it will replace their job. They would like not working, but are very concerned by the idea of not being paid.

I also posted an early release through my blog, which does not require login, registration, or any other junk. This article is free for everyone.

Click HERE for the full article.

When I post something to the blog that I didn’t already post here, I’ll send out a link to it.

My goal is to make it easy for our readers here to access our work.

Thanks for reading!

For those of you disappointed that this article is so simple, see the full release from my research on the PMT preferred shares.