1 min read

13% Dividend Yield and 12% Upside

  • Despite big yields, these shares are still cheap.
  • Fat dividends that grow with short-term rates are a nice hedge.
  • The yields are between 9% and 9.5% today, but they are due for a big dividend increase starting in March 2024. Bigger dividends should increase valuation.
  • The big risk factor would be home prices or the economy plunging. Not just a dip.
  • I’ve built significant positions in these shares to take advantage of the upcoming dividend increase.

Brief Summary

The article focuses on CIM-B and CIM-D. These are two shares we’ve purchased frequently over the last 3 months.

We’re looking at the expected dividend yield when the floating rate kicks in (starts 3/30/2024) and the upside to call value. I’m not predicting a call, but I do think the dividend increase (or anticipation of it) should drive shares much closer to $25.00. There’s a pretty good chance prices are at least over $24.00 after the shares are floating, so long as we aren’t in a rough recession and short-term rates are relatively unchanged.

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